If you don’t already have a Microsoft Teams account, you’ll need to purchase a single seat in order to complete setup.
You’ll need a Teams administrator to complete the setup.

Installing the app

  1. Visit the Integrations Page and hit Connect under Microsoft Teams.

  2. Select your business account with Microsoft teams and complete the flow.

  3. Once this is complete, schedule 15 minutes with the Pylon team to help install the app into your Teams instance.

Linking channels

It’s best practice to create a new team per customer. This helps make sure they only have visibility into relevant messages.

Once the app is installed, you’ll need to link Teams channels with Pylon, similar to Slack channels.

  1. Create a new team by selecting Create team from the dropdown of your main Teams page. Select From scratch as your template and Public as the channel type. Since customers will only have visibility into channels created within the same team, it isn’t necessary to make the team private.
  1. Add Pylon to the Teams channel, first select Manage team from the dropdown on the team.
  1. Select Apps then Get more apps. The app will be called your <Your Company> Team and be in the section at the top of the page called Built by your org.
  1. Click on the app (don’t click Open), select the dropdown next to the Open and select Add to a team and then Set up a bot.
  1. Create a new Slack channel and link the channel as a customer channel.

  2. Map your newly created Teams channel with your newly created Slack channel from the Microsoft Teams page in Pylon.

You’re done! Any messages you send in this Teams channel will now mirror into the corresponding Slack channel and any messages in the Slack channel will mirror to this Teams channel.