Custom Fields

Set up custom fields to add structured data to your issues, accounts, and contacts

Custom fields on objects in Pylon allow you to store additional custom data on each object. Custom fields can be filled in manually, synced from your CRM, autofilled with AI, set via. APIs or workflows, or filled via. end user submission.

Custom fields can be used across the product, including in views, analytics, triggers, macros, and more.


Field Types

Pylon supports the following custom field types:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Decimal

  • Select

  • Multi-select

  • Boolean

  • Date

  • User

  • URL

  • Datetime


Manually Fill

Custom fields can be manually filled from their record pages.

Issue fields: filled in via. the issue sidebar.

Account fields: filled in via. the accounts page.

Contact fields: filled in via. the contacts page.

AI Autofill

AI autofilled fields can always be manually updated!

Custom fields can be autofilled using AI to reduce manual work.

Fields with a by their name are fields that are fields that are being automatically filled via. AI.

Sync from CRM

Account and contact custom fields can be synced directly from your CRM. Multiple times a day these values will be updated from the latest data in your CRM.

To enable this,

Fill via. API

Use our PATCH /issues, PATCH /contacts, PATCH /accounts API endpoints in order to set custom field values via. API.

For issues raised from in-app chat, our JavaScript API can set custom field values on issue submission.

Fill via. Triggers or Macros

Use the "Set custom field value" action on a trigger or macro in order to fill a custom field value.

Fill via. End User Submission

Use Ticket Forms, collect data directly in Slack, or allow customers to set fields via. the customer portal to populate custom field values based on user input.

Last updated