Articles & Collections

How articles and collections with the knowledge base function


Articles each have their own URL and you can customize the slug. For more information on writing articles, see the Editor section.


You have fine-grained control of the visibility of articles. Articles can be:

Public: Visible to everyone

Customer: Available to logged-in customers. You can optionally specific properties that viewers must meet to view the article - for example that they are on the enterprise tier of your product, or part of a certain account.

Internal: Only visibile to users on your team

Version History

You can view all version history for the article from each time it was published with new changes. You can also revert to a historical version of the article at any time.


Article by default come with embedded feedback collection. On the bottom of each article is a place for viewers to leave a 1-5 rating and free form feedback about the article.

You can view the submitted feedback in the Feedback analytics tab inside the Knowledge Base configuration and set up Slack notifications for new feedback submissions in the Notifications tab.


Collections are folders that contain articles or other collections.

Collections have their own URL and you can customize the slug and icon for a collection on the collection's settings page.

You can create multiple separate knowledge bases with separate articles and collections, for example for different types of users or different products.

Last updated