You’ll need a Jira administrator to complete the setup.
  1. Visit the Integrations Page and hit Connect under Jira

  2. Enter your Atlassian subdomain and hit submit.

  3. Go to Jira and click on Manage Apps under the Apps menu.

  1. Underneath the table, click Settings and check Enable private listings.
  1. Click Upload app above the table and paste in the URL the Pylon team gave you.
  1. Navigate back to the Integrations Page and hit Manage under Jira. If you don’t see Jira as connected, refresh your page.

  2. Toggle on the projects in which you’d like to make tickets in from Pylon.

  3. Select a default project that tickets will be made into. Don’t worry, you can always change this at the time of ticket creation.

All done!

You’ve setup our Jira Integration