Default Fields

By default, Pylon AI autofills a Question Type field with common categories of questions.

  • Bug
  • Meetings Scheduled
  • Product Feedback
  • User Error
  • Customer Love
Multiple values can be applied to a single Conversation

Custom Fields

Create any custom field and enable Pylon to autofill it based on the conversation. Examples include:

  • Integrations (ex. Salesforce, Slack, etc.)
  • Product Areas (Ticketing, Billing, Knowledge Base, SLAs, Triggers & Automations etc)

These fields can be a single select (one option chosen) or a multiselect (multiple options chosen).


You can filter AI Fields on the Kanban Board and see them on the Conversation sidebar as with other fields.

Assigning from the Triage Channel

AI will take the first pass at populating the field value, but the results can always be overriden.