A dedicated place to host your support content, including question-and-answer style articles, internal runbooks, and more. All supercharged with AI and tightly integrated with the Pylon platform.


Pick colors, style headers and footers, inject custom scripts, use a custom domain, and more.

Quick and Easy to Edit

A Notion-like editor, complete with rich text, custom callouts, embedded videos, edit history, and more.

All Types of Articles

Host public articles, hidden articles accessible just via link, internal articles, articles behind login, and even add internal notes to public articles.

Unified Search

Unified search for you and your customers across docs, knowledge base, and your other content.

AI Deflection

Powerful suggested answers and question deflection to help your team scale support.


Discover gaps in your knowledge content, collect feedback on articles, and more.

Make it easy to follow KCS

KCS followers - built in flows for helping teams to produce and keep content up-to-date.