The Github Issues integration is likely most useful to you if you’re an open source company.


  1. Visit the Integrations Page and hit Connect under Github
  2. Authorize the Github App
You’ve setup the Github Integration


Creating tickets

You can create an issue via the Kanban board or via the triage channel.

  1. Via Kanban: From a Pylon issue, you’ll see a Github Details module in the sidebar. Select the team you’d like to create the ticket in, and click Create.
  1. Via Triage channel: when conversational tickets are posted in your triage channel and product ticketing is enabled, you’ll see a Create Ticket 📦 button.

Clicking it will allow you to select with Github project to create the issue in, along with a pre-filled AI generated title.

Clicking it will allow you to select with Github repo to create the issue in, along with a pre-filled AI generated title.

After clicking Create you’ll now see a link to the Github Issue.

The created Github Issue will include a link to the Slack conversation.