Give your customers a dedicated view into the issues they have opened with you.

Ongoing record

Give your champion a record of all the issues and feature requests you’ve solved for them and any that remain open.

All your issues in one place

Issues across Slack, Email, in-app chat, and community all consolidated into one view for your customer.

Cross Org Visibility

Empower your champion to see what their teammembers have been asking of you.


Bake the portal into your QBR flow to justify your ROI with the issues you’ve solved.

How it Works

  • Customer-facing issues will display on the portal (emails, customer-facing ticketed Slack issues, Slack community, in-app chat).
  • The full conversation will be surfaced in the sidebar so you can get context on what that issue was about.
  • Submit tickets through a ticket form from the portal.


  1. Visit the Customer Portal settings page and flip the Customer Portal toggle.

  2. Customize the Brand Color to change the color palette on the Customer Portal. Keep in mind you will be placing your logo on top of this color.

  3. Navigate to the Workspace settings page and set the Horizontal Logo and Workspace Slug. We recommend creating a white-masked version of your logo. The workspace slug will be part of the url you send to your customers. Make sure you like it, it will be hard to change later!

  4. Now it’s time to preview the portal. Go to the Accounts page, pick an account, navigate to the Customer Portal tab, and click “View Customer Portal”.

  1. With the Customer Portal done, it’s time to give customers access. From the same Customer Portal tab, you can grant access and send customer invites. Inviting a customer will send an email to them, inviting them to login at your portal url.

  2. Let your customers enjoy!