
How to use Pylon's message editor to reply to customer issues or leave internal notes.


In general, Pylon's editor supports all forms of rich text, including:

  • Bolding, italics, strikethrough, and links

  • Inline code and multiline code blocks

  • Emojis

  • Mentions of teammates or customers

  • Attachments

Through the editor, you can also run Macros by clicking the icon or with the m keyboard shortcut. A macro can add templated pre-filled texted into the editor and also queue up a series of actions to be executed.


Selecting Reply indicates that the message will go directly to the customer.


Selecting Note indicates that the message will not be visible to the customer. Depending on your configured settings and integrations, the message will either only be visible in Pylon, or be visible in Pylon and posted to the issue thread in your Triage Channel in Slack.

You'll know you are leaving an internal note when the background changes color to yellow in Light Mode and blue in Dark Mode.

Last updated